I have uploaded: /pub/simtelnet/win95/edu/ mmlogi10.zip MMLogic v1.0: MultiMedia Logic Simulator MultiMedia Logic is a combined logic design schematic entry system and logic simulator. It includes the standard complement of devices such as AND, OR, NAND, NOR, Adders and Counters etc. But MMLogic goes one step beyond these devices by including MultiMedia devices such as a "Wave" device, a "Bitmap" device, a "Robot" device, a "Buzzer" device and more. This allows you to interact with your logic simulation. Your "circuits" can span the classroom or the Internet by using the "Network" device. The simulator is a 6 state (True, False, Unknown, PullDown, PullUp and Float) event driven simulator. Schematics can be printed in full color. You can think of MultiMedia Logic as "Visual Programming" where the language is "Logic" and the data type is a bit. Ages 8 and up, you can start very simple (switches and LEDs) to very complex (build games that run over the Internet). Special requirements: Win3x users must have 1.3c Win32s Changes: Initial Release Shareware, Uploaded by the author. George Mills, Softronics, Inc. mills@softronix.com http://www.softronix.com